Photo of Miguel  Angel Ojeda Mexico

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Miguel Angel Ojeda Machado.

He was born in Culiacan, Sinaloa. Is an architect for the National School of Architecture, UNAM. He studied at the school of fine arts from the UAS.

He was one of the cofounders of the group The Independent. Later called the window. Space was also cofounder of plastic. This was a movement that created opportunities for artists...

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47.24 x 34.65 in
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Miguel Angel Ojeda Machado.

He was born in Culiacan, Sinaloa. Is an architect for the National School of Architecture, UNAM. He studied at the school of fine arts from the UAS.

He was one of the cofounders of the group The Independent. Later called the window. Space was also cofounder of plastic. This was a movement that created opportunities for artists of the plastic as the supplements were local cultural and diverse opportunities for private initiative.

He has won several awards in plastic events in the region, won honorable mention in the first biennial of Northwest painting and has developed as a master of architectural design and urban design at the School of Architecture UAS.

Has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, in the stained glass workshop steps the School of Architecture, UNAM, has exhibited in Hermosillo Plastic Sinaloa and San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora and Tijuana BC, in the cultural center Josè Guadalupe City Inn Mexico Sinaloa contemporary art in Los Angeles, California and several years has been an exhibitor at the Art Museum of Sinaloa.

Its production Sinaloense illustrates the cultural week in the Federal District in 1998 and more recently created commissioned works were the image of the anniversary celebrations of Culiacan and Sinaloa Arts Fair 2005. In 2007 he was invited to inaugurate his "The clear shade" meeting of the V Festival of Literature Northwest entitled "Shifting Frontiers in Tijuana, BC, as well as" The Pitic fair "in the gallery adobe house, Hermosillo, Sonora, the Chamber of the Congress of the State of Sinaloa, to the celebrations of El Rosario, Sinaloa Gallery of the Center and innovation and education in the city of Los Mochis in the 2008.

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